Valea Jiului

Spune-mi ce vrei sa îmi spui
Vorbele-n gând sa le-ncui
Grele sunt apele lor
Visele-n taine strecor

Galbena luna era
Soarele-n cer lumina
Gânduri ascunse-n pamânt
Mi-au adormït în cuvânt

I want you to lead me
Take me somewhere
Don’t want to live in a dream one more day

Backbeat the word was on the street
That the fire in your heart is out
I'm sure you've heard it all before
But you never really had a doubt
I don't believe that anybody feels
The way I do about you now

Drumul omului-i greu
Pana la ultima stea,
Liber e sufletul meu,
Libera-i inima mea.

Si cum imi place sa dorm
Noaptea-n padure la foc,
Stam impreuna cu toti,
Visul langa izvor.

I got this feeling that they‘re gonna break down the door
I got this feeling they they’re gonna come back for more
See I was thinking that I lost my mind
But it’s been getting to me all this time
And it don’t stop dragging me down

Silently reflection turns my world to stone
Patiently correction leaves us all alone
And sometimes I’m a travel man
But tonight this engine's failing

Alunga tacerea si cere-mi ce vrei
Dar stinge durerea din ochii mei!
Aduna-ti otrava si incearca s-o bei
Mai mult decat vina,
Nu poti sa-mi iei!

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

I don't want this moment, to ever end,
Where everything's nothing, without you.
I'll wait here forever just to, to see you smile,
Cause it's true, I am nothing without you.

Nothing's what it seems to be,
I'm a replica, I'm a replica
Empty shell inside of me
I'm not myself, I'm a replica of me...

For a fortune he'd quit
But it's hard to admit
How it ends and begins
On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)
On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)
From yesterday, it's coming!
From yesterday, the fear!
From yesterday, it calls him
But he doesn't want to read the message here

On a mountain he sits, not of gold but of sin
through the blood he can learn, see the life that he turns
From a council of one
He'll decide when he's done with the innocent

Imi numar iarasi pasii, pe drumuri neumblate
Intr-o vreme rasaritul, prin locuri vechiu,uitate
Si merg pe o carare ce nu are sfarsit
Cu o dorinta-n suflet, s-ajung la infinit

Sunt ratacit in visele mele
Ca un copil cu ochii la stele
Sunt un nebun intr-o lume nebuna
Un visator...
Sunt ratacit in visele tale
Un hoinar pe vase regale
Sunt un nebun intr-o lume nebuna
Un trecator...

Imi numar iarasi pasii, pe drumuri colindate
Ma vede si apusul prin locuri agitate
Chiar de m-ar oprii si morile de vant
Eu am sa trec prin viata, nepasator razand

Nu pot sa ating
Cuvintele ce-ncet se sting
Nu pot fi altul decât sunt
Ma înspimânt
Suntem toţi o apa si-un pamânt

O mică prezentare in alb negru a unui loc ce-mi este tare drag. Valea Jiului, cu micuţele sale orase : Petroşani, Aninoasa, Vulcan, Lupeni si Uricani. Orase uneori uitate de lume, inchise intr-o vale, aparate de munţi, cu aer curat. O zona ce ar merita atentia turistilor. Pozele poate par triste, am vrut tonul asta de culori pe moment.. poate in viitor voi lasa si pete de culoare.


juju said…
multumesc pt totul.....parca hier am fost acolo, desi sunt 16 ani de atunci....culmea nu am uitat absolut nimic ...merci am sa iti raman dator juju
Am sa mai pun si altele in curand :) E inca o zona superba.. dar la fel de neexploatata
Anonymous said…
Vreau sa stiu un mijloc de transport din petrosani pana la cabana rusu
Din pacate, inca nu am idee daca este. Dar voi intreba si promit sa revin cu un raspuns.

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